Francesca Rolla Docteur en arts plastiques (ancien membre chercheur associé)

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rattachement à l'UR 3402 - ACCRA : de 2015 à 2023 (membre doctorant de 2015 à 2021 ; membre chercheur associé de 2021 à 2023)

unité de recherche d'affiliation : aucune depuis 2021

ancienne unité de recherche d'affiliation : UR 3402 - ACCRA de 2015 à 2021 (membre doctorant)

thèse doctorale soutenue au sein de l'ACCRA : Letters from a radical performance art curator: Performing urgencies through the curatorial praxis (6 décembre 2021)

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Parcours professionnel

     Francesca Carol Rolla (Venice IT, 1986. Living in Formentera ES) is a performance art curator, writer, and PhD candidate in Visual Arts at the Doctoral School of Humanities of the University of Strasbourg (FR) with the thesis "Letters to a Radical Performance Curator". Aligning the curatorial practice with a performative mode of research, and with the aims to set foundations for radical interaction and new terms of exchange, she explores new contemporary approaches to artistic creation and reflection, there where the meaning and value for a responsible and independent co-authorship involves both artists and curators in co-creative processes. In 2013, Rolla has co-curated Personal Structures: Time Space Existence exhibition, Collateral Event of the 55th Venice Art Biennale, and organized several national participations and collateral events within the Biennale program. In 2015 Rolla co-curated Personal Structures: Crossing Borders exhibition at the European Cultural Center, Venice. Increasingly interested in performance art, since 2015, Rolla is an associate curator of the Venice International Performance Art Week and coordinator of its Educational Learning Program, realized in collaboration with Live Arts Cultures and other international partner organizations. Among others, Rolla has worked and collaborated with artists such as Bill Viola, Marilyn Arsem, VestAndPage, Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca, Tania Bruguera, Antonio Manuel, Franko B, Preach R Sun, Guillermo Gomez-Peña, Andrigo & Aliprandi and Orlan. Since 2017, she is an honorary member of La Pocha Nostra. In 2017, Rolla has conceived and co-curated with VestAndPage Co-Creation Live Factory Prologue 1, the new project of the Venice International Performance Art Week, founded on the principles of artistic collaboration, cooperation and temporary artistic community. In 2018, in the Balearic Islands and with the support of the Consell of Formentera and the Institut d'Estudis Balearics, Rolla has launched Collective Signatures - now in its third edition, an itinerant on-going artists-and-curators-in-residence project conceived as a critical hub of performative actions and conversations, experimental writing, and creative dialogues and enquiry about the role and responsibility of the curatorial practice within performance art, and inquiring into how bodies perform as communicant vessels through an infrastructure of language, multilingual poetry and text corpora within a specific environment. Writing is there used as an individual and collective performative tool, to inquire into the evidence of language and the crisis of conventional meaning, and to challenge the normative trends of the curatorial practice from the perspective of performance art.. Since 2019, Francesca Carol Rolla is on the board of LOÏE. Magazine as Director of the "Performance Archive" section, with a strong interest of exploring the journey between curating research, performance art and experimental writing. Rolla's writing have appeared in several journals and publications, and she has frequently been invited to speak about her praxis at national and international art projects and academic forums.

Thèmes de recherche

  • Curatorial praxis
  • Curating performances and performing the curatorial
  • Performative mode of research
  • Co-creation processes
  • Performing urgencies
  • Transformative artistic experiences
  • Respondent, participant audience
  • Educational turn